A great problem of the immigration is the social and educational integration of thechildren in his colleges. This ethnographic study, analyzes the social and school interactionsin a primary school with refugee Palestinian students. The aim is to know the processesof integration and the implicit conceptions in these processes. The results show that thecuriosity of the beginning into the relations between students turns in stereotypes topromote the acculturation as institutional practice. In the interaction student - school,exist labels towards the students, who are perceived as low. In the relations betweenparents and school, the stereotype demonstrates the cultural differences. Nevertheless,some out-of-school practices exist with characteristics of cultural miscegenation.
Cultural Universal, Social and School Integration, Acculturation
Carrasco Aguilar, C., Molina, M., & Baltar, M. J. (2013). Inmigration, infance and social-educative integration: an etnographic study about palestinian children in Chile. Revista Chilena De Antropología, (27). Retrieved from https://revistadeantropologia.uchile.cl/index.php/RCA/article/view/27361