This article continues the discussion carried out by Grete Mostny (1959) and her scientific team about the study carried out on the clothing of the Niño del Cerro Plomo, among other analyzes, with the objetive of providing new symbolic antecedents in the light of comparisons carried out between Highland rituals and some pieces of the trousseau of the Niño from the Llullaillaco volcano and the Niño from the Aconcagua hill. These antecedents focus on the black textile of the aforementioned children and the male anthropomorphic statuettes found under the Inca ritual called Capacocha. These analyzes allow through a multidisciplinary ethnohistorical, archaeological and anthropological methodology, an approach to the message of the rite celebrated on Cerro El Plomo and to the social, political and symbolic spheres of the highland ethnic group participating in the Inca domain systems of the Mapocho valley. Regarding with this, that the clothing of the sacrificed Child would contain in its symbolic structure, civilizational political actions framed in Aymara agrarian and pastoral areas.
black ccahua, capacocha, el plomo hill, highland ritual
Bachraty, D. (2021). Ritual aesthetics. New information about the use of the black ccahua or unku of El Niño from Cerro El Plomo. Revista Chilena De Antropología, (44), 269–284.