At the sun’s rhythm, under the ancestors’s guardianship. Ritual performance in la Peña del Medio during the late-inca, Paicuqui (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca Province)


  • María Lorena Cohen Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
  • Agustina Ponce Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
  • Verónica Puente Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


We interpret how actors, time, landscape, and corporality combined with ritual performance developed in “Peña del Medio” during the Late-Inca period in Paicuqui, Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca (Argentina). The employment of landscape archaeology’s tools complemented with chronicles, ethnography data, and conversations with local inhabitants, enabled us to reach to a characterization of those practices. Further, we present new data recently obtained, to make an integral analysis that include the summit spaces of the ‘peña’ that we treat here, and the spaces of the base of the hill. We suggest that these celebrations were shaped as performances that made possible the integration and cohesion of diverse groups, through rituals aimed at tutelary entities such as the sun, the ancestors, and the hills.


ritual performance, sun, Antofagasta de la Sierra, Late Inca, landscape