Leonor Adán, Gustavo G. Politis, Marcela Sepúlveda and Henry Tantaleán analise the essays from Andone Gurruchaga and Michelle Salgado “Scientific publishing under hegemonic criteria: exploring Chilean archaeological reality”, Luis E. Cornejo “Productivity and impact of Chilean archaeology: a scientometric perspective” and Diego Salazar, Rodrigo Alvar, Rolando González, Daniel Hernández, Horacio Ramírez, Felipe Vega y Sebastián Yrarrázaval, called “Science and politics in Chilean archaeology: the Fondecyt case”. All those researchers were coordinated by Andres Troncoso for the dossier “Archaeology, scientific productivity and politics in Chile”, published on the number 35 of the journal Revista Chilena de Antropología.
Adán, L., Politis, G., Sepúlveda, M., & Tantaleán, H. (2017). Archaeology, scientific productivity and politics in Chile. Revista Chilena De Antropología, (35). Retrieved from https://revistadeantropologia.uchile.cl/index.php/RCA/article/view/46775