Woody resource management by transitional hunter-gatherers at intermediate sectors of Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina): the case of alero sin cabeza
Patricia Escola
CONICET - Escuela de Arqueología (UNCa) Maximio Victoria S/N° Predio Universitario. San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca. CP 4700
María Gabriela Aguirre
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán). Miguel Lillo 205 (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán
Salomón Hocsman
CONICET. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales (CONICET-UNT) - Instituto de Arqueología y Museo (FCN e IML, UNT). San Lorenzo 429 (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán
This paper presents the results of the analysis of charcoal record corresponding to transitional hunter-gathereroccupations of the Alero Sin Cabeza site, dated ca.3500 years BP. We are interested in ancient management practicesof plant resources and, particularly, the supply of woody raw materials. The results indicate the use of different woodfuel local species, predominating taxa Adesmia sp. a firewood with good fuel properties. We propose the use of Tolarand Campo as main woody procurement areas, as well as the articulation with more remote areas, such as Pajonal.It is proposed that during hunter-gatherer transitional occupations of this site, forage for woody materials prioritizednear-site areas, complemented with firewood collections conducted in more distant areas. This is consistent with theoccurrence of reduced residential mobility around 3500 years BP.
Escola, P., Aguirre, M. G., & Hocsman, S. (2013). Woody resource management by transitional hunter-gatherers at intermediate sectors of Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina): the case of alero sin cabeza. Revista Chilena De Antropología, (27). Retrieved from https://revistadeantropologia.uchile.cl/index.php/RCA/article/view/27359