Androcentrism among youth studies: Ideological effects and possible openings


  • Silvia Elizalde Universidad de Buenos Aires


This article intends to explore the configuration modes of the juvenile subjectiveness in the discursive body of the last ten years of argentinian social sciences. It specifically analizes —among this period— some of the ideological effects that conform the obliteration of the critical questioning for and from the gender in social as well as political and epistemic category in part of the local sociological production over the concept of «youth», transversally read. For this purpose it reviews —picking up some arguments and contributions carried out by the gender and feminist theory— some of the ways in which the inferential effacement is produced in order to replace the invitation to think from a no androcentric matrix of the investigation and the social production of knowledge on young men and women.


gender, social investigation, concepts map

Author Biography

Silvia Elizalde, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctora en Filosofía y Letras, orientación en Antropología Social, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Docente universitaria, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UBA). Integrante del Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género (IIEGE) y del Área QUEER, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA). Becaria postdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Ministerio de Educación, República Argentina.