Young or adults? A study of transitions from childhood in poor urban areas


  • María Eugenia Rausky Universidad Nacional de La Plata


In this article we study how transitions occur from childhood in poor urban areas. Recognizing that the study of transitions has been focused on two age groups, on one hand, the analysis of the transition from youth to adulthood and on the other, from adulthood to old age (Blanco, 2001), we have found a gap in the studies of transitions from childhood in Latin American. Considering this, in this work we study what characteristics assume the same in poor areas. Also, changes and continuities in the vital trajectories (work, education and marriage) of a group of former children —interviewed during 2004 and 2008 and interviewed again in 2013— are analyzed. Today, they are young and live in the city of La Plata/Buenos Aires. It aims to recognize the particularities assume transitions from childhood in areas affected by structural poverty, inequality and job insecurity: Under what circumstances are those who viewed spend their childhood in a doubly disadvantaged, because of their poor condition and child workers? What events show the transitions from childhood? How this transition is experienced? What particularities does it have? Is a direct passage from childhood to adulthood developed? or Is it possible to consider youth as a shorter period in life of those who live in poor conditions? This work takes the life course approach —which considers that transitions are especially vulnerable periods in the life experience of individuals— and uses a qualitative methodological strategy based on prospective diachronic information


life course, transitions, childhood, youth

Author Biography

María Eugenia Rausky, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Licenciada en Sociología, Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Magíster en Metodología de la Investigación, Universidad de Bologna/Tres de Febrero. Doctora en Cs. Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se desempeña como investigadora del CIMECS-IDIHCS/UNLP-CONICET y como docente del Departamento de Sociología de la Facultad de Humanidades y Cs. de la Educación de la UNLP. E-Mail: