Open access

Since 2000, Última Década provides immediate free access to its content because public free access to  research fosters greater global knowledge sharing. Users can download, copy, distribute, print, search for, or use all the content available for any legal purpose, with no funding, legal or technical limitations. Users are bound only to cite and acknowledge authors and its publishing medium if a work is reproduced and distributed.

Última Década features an online platform to expand the possibilities of the interested audience to access, store and inquire into the topics published on the journal; this helps reconfigure the time-space relationships historically held between the readers and print journals, with new possibilities of academic remote working arising as instant search sources for those who are working remotely and/or cannot access information due to geographical limitations. In addition, as an online journal can reach more remote places around the globe, the use of a virtual platform helps the audience to go beyond the restrictions associated to print journals, such as limited distribution.  Access time is also reduced: readers can have more immediate access to the newer numbers/issues published.