Fear of breakdown and somatic symptom: two good excuses to study original process


  • Liliana Messina S. Programa de Doctorado en Piscología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile


The proposal here is to think, from theory and clinics, and in the framework of psychoanalytic theory, the somatic symptom (Paul Lautrent Assoun´s concept (1)) as an equivalent and concomitant of Winnicott’s “fear of breakdown”(2); meaning that the experience expected with fear, although past, didn´t occur to the patient laying down on the coach right now, but stays as a valid future threat. It´s a traumatic experience that didn´t have place because it wasn´t inscribed, but brands this particular psyche. This is a common characteristic that connects fear of breakdown and somatic symptom; the insymbolized that leaves a trace on the psyche and body. What is this form of inscription, before primary symbolization, that articulates fear of breakdown and what relation may it have with somatic symptoms? With the analysis of a case, we try to contrast the theory with clinics, concluding that the experience of breakdown brands the psyche as a continent that determines every experience after it with the breakdown’s permanent threat.


fear of breakdown, somatic symptom, original process, primary symbolization


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