Biographies of Art Music music performers in Chile – A representative sample and many pending tasks



This document synthetizes the goals, methodology, and results of the research project “Biographies of Chilean perfor- mers of art music (1945-1995). Research and diffusion of their contribution to Chilean musical life”, sponsored by Chilean Ministry of Culture (Fondo de la Música, Línea de investigación, 583750) and conducted by the authors of this text between 2021 and 2022. Starting from a sample of 50 biographies of performers and ensembles that were active during the second half of the 20th century, the project made it possible to deepen in the contribution of the interpreters in the development of art music in Chile. Outstanding was their pioneer role in different fields, such as the establishment of new ensembles of early and contemporary music, the institutionalization of music education, and the creation of new chairs, among others. Finally, the text reflects on various research gaps that can be essential for the study of Chilean performers as an integral part of the national music history.


Performers, art music, biography, oral history