The logic of the contradictory in the work of Tomás Lefever



The work of Tomás Lefever (1926-2003) proposes a critique aimed at unlearning the musical foundations acquired because of an expansive rational determinism in order, instead, to strengthen the affective character of its expressive nature. This article explores the terrain traced by Lefever in texts and compositions around a set of notions coming from the “logic of antagonism” formulated by the Romanian-French philosopher Stéphane Lupasco; notions emanating from this thought accompanied the whole work of the composer. Based on the above, we enquire into the perspective of his musical invention, specifically in that fraction that Lefever called as potential scores. Finally, it is argued that the work of Tomás Lefever constitutes an experimental space where the mastery of music through improvisation is put into play as an affective operation par excellence, in addition to examining his participation in the path inaugurated by John Cage.


Tomás Lefever, potential, contradiction, affectivity, improvisation, logic of antagonism, musical rationalism, Chilean composer, Stéphane Lupasco