Didactic models in music teaching are described within the framework of the Spanish high school education context. These models are also discussed in analytical terms on the basis of the information supplied by the practice and discourse of eight music teachers along with bibliographic and ethnographic sources. The study is based on scholarly research models proposed by García Pérez (2000) which have been expanded and adapted by the author as pertain to other operational dimensions of the pedagogical work. Models are typified as academic, practical, communicative-playful and complex. They provide teachers with a tool suitable for the analysis and understanding of the events occurring in the classroom as the basis for introducing changes that will improve student learning. Didactic models presented here are a first attempt to create on a provisional basis a systematic and critical view of music teaching.
didactic models, music teaching, high school music education, Spanish music pedagogy
Jorquera Jaramillo, M. C. (2010). Didactic Models in Music Teaching: the Case of the Spanish School. Revista Musical Chilena, 64(214), 52–74. Retrieved from https://revistadeantropologia.uchile.cl/index.php/RMCH/article/view/10571