Quasi-Sovereignty: Hobbes, Luhmann, and World Society



Contemporary sociology, with few exceptions, has been reluctant to incorporate Thomas Hobbes as a source of conceptual or argumentative inspiration in its theoretical approaches. However, the accelerated factual, social, and normative differentiation of contemporary world society after World War II seems to show that conflict is an increasingly generalized condition today. This turns the gaze back to Hobbes. Through a review of significant sociological passages inspired by Hobbes in Ferdinand Tönnies, Talcott Parsons, and Helmut Schelsky, and their connection with the sociology of Niklas Luhmann, we argue that modern world society can be considered a second state of nature composed by quasi-sovereignties of systemic, national, and cultural origin that give the problem of social order a particular and multimodal character, in any case distinct from Hobbes’ times. The article concludes that the development of a Hobbesian-inspired sociology must combine different schemes of quasi-sovereignty into a complex architecture of autonomy and interdependence in Niklas Luhmann’s sense, which organizes social order without resorting to an impracticable absolute sovereignty under the conditions of modern functional differentiation.


State of nature, sovereignty, social order, power, differentiation, world society, systems theory


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