World society, functional differentiation, center/periphery and dependency



This paper proposes a dialogue between Niklas Luhmann's theory of world society and the dependency theories of Enzo Faletto/Fernando Henrique Cardoso and André Gunder Frank. The axis of this dialogue is the difference between center and periphery, their multiple dimensions, and their place in a theory of world society that can account for the multiplicity and contingency of relations between centres and peripheries in contemporary modernity. Dependency theories usually vary in the way they observe or neglect the contingency of the economic and political dependency structures of the peripheral countries in relation to the central countries. In this sense, a comparison between the conceptions of André Gunder Frank and Enzo Faletto/Fernando Henrique Cardoso seems interesting. Through this comparison, it seems to us that the reference frameworks of Cardoso/Faletto's analysis remain current for interpreting the reconfigurations in the relations between center and periphery, although it is necessary to broaden these frameworks, including both a greater differentiation in the degree of dependency and other spheres of social life, and emphasizing the multidimensional and pluralized character of the relations between center and periphery.


World society, Functional differentiation, Center/periphery difference, Dependency theory, Latin America


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