Functional differentiation, from the concept to an empirical context: systemic scales, structural levels, and syncretism among forms of social differentiation



This paper intends to discuss the applicability of the concept of functional differentiation proposed by Niklas Luhmann’s social systems theory. It argues that the applicability of such a concept for the description of a given empirical or historical context of modern world society depends on the acceptance of a syncretism of the forms of societal differentiation, so that functional differentiation is variably combined with hierarchical, geographical and segmental differentiations. Likewise, such a description needs to incorporate the three basic scales of social systems (alongside functional systems, organizations, and interactions) and the three levels of social structures: macrostructures, composed of the different miscellanies of forms of differentiation; institutions, as slices of the social macrostructure, inner structures of social systems and clusters of expectations supported by the assumed expectations of others in general; and expectations, as social microstructures that, through language and signs, couple psychic and social systems. With these analytical resources, as argued here, it is possible to confer greater acuity to the mobilization of systems theory for empirical and/or historical research.


Theory of society, Social theory, Functional differentiation, Social differentiation, Social structures


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