Countermodernity and Social Inequality: Individualization and individuation, inclusion / exclusion and identity construction. The need for a sociology of exclusion
Fernando Robles Salgado
Departamento de Sociología. Universidad de Concepción
Part II of the book: "The unexpected disappointment of Modernity. Discomfort, irritations and bitter fruits of Risk Society," specially reprinted for this journal.
Countermodernity, Social Inequality, Individualization, Individuation, inclusion/exclusion
Author Biography
Fernando Robles Salgado, Departamento de Sociología. Universidad de Concepción
Doctor en Sociología, Universidad Ludwig-Maximilian de Munich, Alemania
Profesor del Departamento de Sociología Universidad de Concepción
Robles Salgado, F. (2005). Countermodernity and Social Inequality: Individualization and individuation, inclusion / exclusion and identity construction. The need for a sociology of exclusion. MAD, (12), 27–57. Retrieved from