The theory of functional differentiation can be regarded as one of the oldest concepts in the field of the theory of society. Nevertheless, in sociology there is not complete agreement about basic theoretical figures and diagnoses amongst those who use the concept. This contribution uses several criticisms of Niklas Luhmann's theory of society as an opportunity to make clear the lines of theoretical conflict, to comment on this discourse from a systems theoretical point of view, and to line out some adjustments and supplementation with regard to some theoretical problems. In particular the contribution deals with the question of the unity of society, with the question of selective differentiation of functional subsystems, and with an integration of the problem of social inequality into a systems theoretical theory of society.
Social Systems, Functional Differentiation, Criticisms, Niklas Luhmann, Society of Presents
Author Biography
Armin Nassehi, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Soziologie Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Nassehi, A. (2011). The Theory of Functional Differentiation in the Horizon of Its Criticisms. MAD, (24), 1–29. Retrieved from