This article analyzes public awareness and understanding of the government´s housing and human rights policies as they affect reconstruction efforts that are taking place in San Francisco del Mar Oaxaca, Mexico as a consequences of the 2017 earthquake. As a means of identifying the limitations of governmentally mandated housing reconstruction, a methodological focus based on human rights is applied that utilizes constitutional and international human rights theories in order to analyze public policies adopted by the State. The availability of Information as well as the planning and realization of reconstruction activities are analyzed in light of the dissemination of official governmental policy. Although juridical compliance has progressed, shortcomings in keeping the public informed on the nature of their rights has limited access to governmentally subsidized housing construction. If governmental housing policy provides only four walls, it is the obligation of the state and municipal governments to create and administrate the infrastructure required to provide adequate housing.
Reconstruction policies, municipal administration, human rights
Cordero, J. (2019). Public policies for reconstruction of housing: the case of San Francisco del mar, Oaxaca. Journal Studies of Public Policy, 5(1), 108–122.