The present study analyzes the advice provided by the National Directorate of Civil Service (NDCS) and studies how this advice influences the consolidation of good labor practices in public services of the central administration (PSCA). According to the investigation carried out, it has been verified that the NDSC has succeeded in establishing itself as an agency specialized matters of people management in the state. However, the advisory and management model presents aspects that require attention. Among them, the internal contexts of the PSCA that were advised has more strength at the time of implement or not, reforms related to people management. The management strategy of the NDCS has responded to political contexts, generating a stacking of initiatives and reforms in people development. There are weaknesses in the planning and objectives of the NDCS, levels of achievement are currently partial and with an evident disparity in the levels of progress of each PSCA. In summary, it was evidenced that the work developed in subjects of policies of people development has been partial, being a challenge for the NDCS to assume a role of rectory in the matter.
National Directorate of Civil Services, People Development, Public Management
Molina, N. (2017). People management in the Central Administration of the State and advice of the National Directorate of Civil Service. Journal Studies of Public Policy, 3(2), 140–160.