The structure and management of the national planning system in Haiti was analyzed using a theoretical model developed by the Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica Social (ILPES). The analysis was based on a comparison among planning systems structural level of Haiti and República Dominicana, and on a survey administrated to the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation (MPCE) of Haiti. The purpose was to identify the management critical nodes. We founded that the Haiti planning system had almost all the components that a planning system required, however it highlighted some faults in the structure planning. Additionally, some structure critical nodes were identified, because of the absence of laws that constitute a legal framework for defining the functions, roles, attributes and management. A break among the strategic level and programmatic and operational levels was highlighted.
Public management, administrative structures management, systemic approach
François, W. (2016). Qualitative, comprehensive and comparative evaluation of the functioning of Haiti National Planning System. Journal Studies of Public Policy, 1(1), 160–177.