This research identifies the main regional trends associated with the institutional design of Government Center. We considered eight countries selected according two criteria: maximum difference in Government Center institutional settings and availability for access to information. This study analyzed the incidence of having a political system, president organizational behavoir and institutional design on configuring common features in Latin America. There were three intitutional designs. The first model characterized by countries that have achieved a high level of institutional formality, combining low centrality and high levels of expertise (Mexico and Brazil). The second model is for countries with a lower degree of institutional formality, combining high centrality and a low level of functional specialization (Chile, Costa Rica and El Salvador). Finally, the last model characterized by the presence of institutions with different levels of formality, which generate an undefined Government Center institutional behavior (Argentina, Ecuador and Paraguay).
Central government, political system, institutional design, organizational behavior of the presidency
Rosales, F. (2016). The design of the Latin American Government Center: a comparative analysis of the presidency’s rol. Journal Studies of Public Policy, 1(1), 77–99.