The challenge of the pedagogic practice in teachers and students: Systematize of the implementation of a model of accompaniment of practice in support to initial educational formation


  • Viviana Soto Aranda Universidad de Chile


The article presents the systematizing to the implementation of the Model of accompaniment to the professional practice of twenty students of the career of initial basic early childhood and initial education of the Universidad de Chile in the development of the pedagogic practice located in educational diverse contexts. The model has implied in the formation of the students and unveiled as its three fundamental elements: the reflection, dialog and collaboration have been substantial for the pedagogic action with children and adults; at the same time how the areas constituting the accompaniment have been favored the participative action, criticism and the systematic analysis of the context and the promotion of a link of pedagogical knowledge with the educational institutions.


Systematization, Accompaniment, Pedagogic practice, Teachers, Subject of practice

Author Biography

Viviana Soto Aranda, Universidad de Chile

Pedagoga en Educación Parvularia (PUC)

Mg. en Educación (UMCE)

Mg. en Sociología (U. de Chile)

Diplomada en Asesoría pedagógica (PUC)

Diplomada en Tutoría Virtual (UAHC)

Especialista en asesoría curricular y redes de procesos educativos participativos con organismos comunitarios e instituciones educativas.

Universidad de Chile