The concept of information technology: interface is used interchangeably to refer to situations related to design projects. Usually associated with referral of company management, especially since the eighties. From an opposite angle, the susceptibility for decentralised collaborative independence was applied experimentally in the Chilean state institutional project; from the twenties to the early seventies. Getting by the end of this period a number of advances in the field of computer science that are now re-valued. In this context the German designer Gui Bonsiepe, from the experience of the HfG-Ulm, coordinated the disappeared Institute of Technology Development Corporation (CORFO INTEC, 1968-1973). In a certain way, he reformulates the proto-informatic concept of interface, synthesising other design interaction initiatives necessary to give a new meaning that can account of a vacuum for a critique of the political economy of the symbolic space in the possible organic exception which would have meant this nationwide conceptualization. It is, therefore, necessary to reconstitute the primary variables and previous models that delimited this "heterarchical" susceptibility. As situation and specific susceptibility of enunciation of a fundamental concept between information and communication technology.
Developmentalism state, heterarchy, HfG-Ulm South America, interface, the political economy of the sign, vernacularity and functionalism
Maulén De Los Reyes, D. (2016). Interface and Heterarchy: Local Interactions Designs for Decentralized Collaborative Independence. RChD: Creación Y Pensamiento, 1(1), pp. 65–78.