The media are trying to convince consumers that they are objective and impartial, that their "ideology" are the facts and their orientation is to account for them. In this paper, I show that the front pages of newspapers are interpretations in the service of a country project, a reinterpretation of history, where the image of Chilean dictator appears linked to his role as statesman, stripped of criminal charges. I will concentrate on the covers, which I understand as a visual image whose fundamental value is to be the main ad content that generate interest in the consumer and lays an information center that prioritizes the importance of theevent. In the covers, words work as complement of photographic images, placing them in context and giving them a significance that extends its content.
Periódicos, imagen, Pinochet
Author Biography
Dino Pancani Corvalán, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Pancani Corvalán, D. (2014). Visual Identity and Pinochet’s Death: from Information to Interpretation. Comunicación Y Medios, (29), Pág. 52 – 63.