Spatial Dimension of University students’ Daily commuting: Greater Valparaiso Case Study


  • Luis Álvarez Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
  • Lisandro Silva Universidad de Chile
  • Marcela Soto Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María


This research explores the need to identify the every day university students commuting patterns from their place of residence to the university and how this have been changing due to new dynamic influences within the urban metropolitan context of Gran Valparaiso, Chile. These dynamic urban changes are mainly characterized by functional imbalances within the metropolitan urban structure, and a substantial increase in global accessibility to road infrastructure investment programs on its main urban corridors producing an uneven and increasing urban development. These changes studied from a specific mobile group as university students are, allowed this study to visualize new mobility trends, linked to a more centrifugal model that “externalizes” the students’ residents to a metropolitan urban context, with social and urban-environmental consequences that this investigation is trying to explore.

Author Biographies

Luis Álvarez, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Geographer, Master’s in Town-planning Universidad de Chile, professor in Departamento de Arquitectura UTFSM (Architecture Department), Geography professor in Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, specialist in Remote Sensors, GIS, Spatial Anaylisis

Lisandro Silva, Universidad de Chile

Architect (1983) and Master’s in Town-planning (1995) U. de Chile, Urban-planning professor in under-graduated courses in FAU, U. de Chile y Universidad Andrés Bello and post graduated courses in Univesidad de Viña del Mar and INVI Universidad de Chile

Marcela Soto, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Ms. Architect, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María professor, Territory and Managment Line Coordinator UTFSM, PhD. Researcher of the Technische Universiteit Delft