The article explores the technological development of the historical discipline over time since its professionalization process between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, mainly regarding the organization of archives and the processing of information through resources like cards. Through the findings of sources available in digital repositories and computer tools to work with them, the author of the book Boicot. El pleito de Echeverría con Israel presents an analysis of the utility that these media offer to historians. The case study of her own research with digital archives and documentation on Jewish history for the aforementioned book serves as an invitation to change the paradigm in historical research and take advantage of all the resources that digital tools and digital humanities make available.
archive, digital humanities, digital tools, processing of information, technology, historical research, Jews in Mexico, Echeverría, boicot
Katz Gugenheim, A. (2022). Historian, Sources, and Technology Is it time for a change of paradigm? Reflections around my research for Boicot. Cuadernos Judaicos, (39), pp. 115–138.