Allophony of /s/ of no professionals speakers of santiago: gender and age



This article describes the phonetic variation of syllable final /s/ in sample of work-class Santiago residents from the low sociocultural stratum and according to three sociolinguistic variables: sex, age range and educational level. In particular, the realization of the phoneme /s/ was shown before plosive, fricative, approximant and sonorant consonants; before stressed and unstressed vowels and before pause. In addition, in cases of retention, the /s/ duration was measured. The results indicate that there is a slight tendency for
women to retain more of the segment in the form of aspiration and for men to elide. The contexts that showed the most variation between the sex variable were the occlusive preconsonantal and the tonic prevocalic. The duration of the segments was almost identical, except for coda [s] in men, which had a slightly longer duration. Regarding
the age distinction, there was a greater preference for elision in group A of adults than in group B of young people. This shows that, at least
for the allophonic phenomenon of /s/, the distinctions between men and women, as well as between young people and adults, are directly conditioned by the sociocultural strata of the speakers.


Allophone, Variation, Sex, Age range

Author Biography

Eduardo Llanquiman Iturrieta, Universidad de Chile

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Eduardo Llanquiman Iturrieta (


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