Spinal surgical procedures have increased in frequency in recent years.
Perioperative pain management in this type of patient is essential, since it is
directly related to surgical and rehabilitation outcomes. Although there are
different therapeutic strategies for adequate analgesic control, in this article we
made a synthesis based on the latest evidence on two particular techniques:
intrathecal morphine and erector spinae plane block. We describe its mechanisms
of action, benefits and adverse effects of each technique.
Selman B., N., Aguilera M, G., & Maldonado C., F. (2022). Analgesia in spinal surgery: morphine intrathecal versus erector plane block spinal. Boletín De Anestesia, (3), 1–5. Retrieved from https://revistadeantropologia.uchile.cl/index.php/BA/article/view/68883