Reiss-Engelhorn Museum versus Wikimedia: The Protection of Photographic Reproductions


  • Nicolás Bello Abogado independiente


This article examines the 2016 German ruling of a trial between the Wikimedia Foundation and the Reiss-Engelhorn Museum. The ruling recognizes the right that the museum has over the reproductions of the works of art it owns, including those that are based on public domain works. In addition to the grounds occupied by the court, the article also raises some questions about the effects of a decision such as the one adopted by the ruling, relating to access to culture.


Copyright, public domain, access to culture, digitalization, reproductions, photography

Author Biography

Nicolás Bello, Abogado independiente

Nicolás Bello Lagos es abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad de Chile.


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