<p>Revista <em>Nomadías</em>, fundada en 1995, está adscrita al Centro de Estudios de Género y Cultura en América Latina de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Es publicada anualmente en el mes de diciembre. Asimismo, contempla Números Especiales de carácter monográfico. Publica textos inéditos en castellano y consta de seis secciones estables sobre estudios críticos interdisciplinarios referidos a estudios de género, teorías feministas, estudios de sexualidades, feminismos, masculinidades, estudios de mujeres, estudios de biopolítica y estudios queer. Esas temáticas se abordan desde diversas disciplinas y ámbitos del saber, tales como, literatura, psicoanálisis, filosofía, ciencias históricas, estudios culturales, antropología, sociología, historia, ciencias políticas y educación</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.ías0717-2761<p><strong>Política Propuesta para Revistas de Acceso Abierto</strong></p> <p>Los autores que publiquen en esta revista acceden a las siguientes condiciones:</p> <ul> <li>Los autores retienen los derechos de copia (copyright) y ceden a la revista el derecho de primera publicación, con el trabajo asimismo bajo la licencia Creative Commons Attribution License que permite a terceros utilizar lo publicado siempre que hagan referencia al autor o autores del trabajo y a su publicación en esta revista.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Los autores son libres de realizar otros acuerdos contractuales para la distribución no exclusiva del artículo que publiquen en esta revista (como puede ser incluirlo en una colección institucional o publicarlo en un libro), siempre que indiquen claramente la publicación original del trabajo en esta revista.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Se permite y anima a los autores a publicar su trabajo en Internet (por ejemplo, en páginas institucionales o personales) en forma de "working paper" o "preprint" de forma previa y durante el proceso de revisión y publicación, ya que puede conducir a intercambios productivos y a una mayor y más rápida difusión del trabajo publicado. (Vea The Effect of Open Access).</li> </ul>Editorial
Editorial revistaJuan Pablo Sutherland
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2025-03-052025-03-0533Complicit words
Equipo Nomadias
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In the story Las Islas Nuevas by María Luisa Bombal, the woman is represented through a Darstellung (Spivak) that integrates the dreams and desires of the mysterious protagonist. This Darstellung of the oneiric elaborates a sex/gender difference where patriarchal subordination (Segato) is rejected, a practice of decolonization and liberation that brings us closer to a postcolonial ethic (Mignolo). This position becomes even more complex when the story exposes the vision of the man, who tries to elucidate the woman, and observes a monstrous spectacle, a stump on the protagonist's back, an atrophied being, an image created by an intolerable representation (Rancière) that questions the myths held about the image of women.Alexandra Novoa Romero
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2025-03-052025-03-05332139The Diagrams in the Cartography of "El Deseo Invisible" by Gonzalo Azalar
From reading "El deseo invisible" by Gonzalo Asalazar (2017), I aim to develop the concept of Sentimental Cartography as defined by Suely Rolnik (1989). This cartography evolves and is constructed while certain worlds disintegrate and others form to express contemporary affections, rendering existing universes obsolete. Asalazar proposes the map of downtown Santiago as a layout that, unlike others in the city and country, has remained more or less intact since the colonial era. It is upon this layout that another cartography emerges, which challenges the official one and is driven by desire. Adding contributions from Foucault, Deleuze, Barrales, Fernández, and others, I intend to develop the concept of the diagram as a weapon in the power struggle; and on the other hand, delve into a potential map of violence that cuts across recorded events, culminating from the civic-political-military dictatorship (1973-1989), and that can be applied to other territories victimized by violence from power structures, attempting to dismantle a narrative that imposes forgetfulness and painless amnesia, through the denial of the catastrophic nature of the event and the suppression of the most atrocious memories (Santos 2019). Cristian Núñez Cristino
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2025-03-052025-03-0533Echoes of consciences: systematic metamorphosis of gender discourse in the school space
This article reflects on the formation of gender identities in an institutionalized teaching space. He discovers that the performative discourse that subjects of early ages generate reproduce and naturalize both ideologies and conventional gender representations. I argue that the common of men in consequential ages occurs in a continuum of the reproduction of this cultural hegemonic image. However, women differ from this task, they insist on a principle of differentiation in that they construct an identity discourse outside of traditional symbolic manifestations. I argue that there are consciousnesses, masculinities and femininities, which transition to the establishment of a new gender order from the practical and discursive appropriation of the most common events in life.Marcos Santana
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2025-03-052025-03-05335787Travesía Travesti: La Mirada Trans* como Autoteoría
Being immersed in a visual culture requires to tension the audiovisual representations of our experiences as trans* people, in order to understand how these images are essential components in the construction of our bodies within the collective imagination. Since these experiences are based on the embodied practices of dwelling outside the cis-hetero-norm, their representations must take into account the tacit registers of what entails to incarnate queerness. With this aim, we will delve into the politics of trans* representation present in the documentary Travesía Travesti (Nicolás Videla, 2021). In this multi-voiced story, transvestite experiences are introduced through a personal –of the director– and a collective –of a community of women– perspective, while being intertwined with the specific context in which this film was produced: in the midst of the Chilean “social revolts” of 2019. Here, there is a crossover between the autobiography of these women and the theory that critically analyzes the sociopolitical structures in which our queer bodies are inserted; thus, we can contemplate this motion picture as an autotheoretical exploration of the current trans*/ transvestite experiences and memories in Chile. Through an embodied gaze, Videla's work provides a sentient dimension to our bodies as signs within the collective imagery that socially, culturally and politically shape our lives. Jacinto Ángel Hannah Peliowski Dobbs
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2025-03-052025-03-053387107Yeguada Latinoamericana, an anal interpretation of a desobedient performance
This paper proposes an interpretation of the performance Yeguada Latinoamericana, by Chilean artist Cheril Linett. We will approach Linett´s work analyzing specifically the place of the anal aspect of the images it presents. Using Paul Preciado´s and Guy Hoquenghem´s theories on this subject, we will explore the anal aesthetics of the bodies in Linett´s performances, specifically reading the relationships that arise between the anal and the critique to institutions such as state, police and religion. Daniela Capona
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2025-03-052025-03-0533109123Mapuche shamanic justice and discrimination in Chilean courts: the struggles of LGBT judge Karen Atala for the custody of her daughters and for legal pluralism
Judge Karen Atala framed her child custody case against the Chilean Supreme Court within Indigenous Mapuche “shamanic justice,” the “spirit of the law,” and human rights. We analyze what Atala’s case contributes to the literature on sexual diversity, sorcery, and the spirit of the law in both Chilean and Mapuche histories of justice. The case engages the spirit of the law in two senses. First, it reveals the lack of separation between religious and secular law, demonstrating that religion is profoundly embedded in the law, both for the state and for the Mapuche. Second, it refers to the intention behind the law and its interpretation and enforcement, which haunts even the most literalist, secular visions of law. After her spiritual transformation, Atala practiced the spirit of Mapuche customary law in the courts but formally justified her judgments using the letter of the Chilean law, demonstrating a fluidity between law and spirituality. Ana Mariella BacigalupoFabien Le Bonniec
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La participación política de mujeres lesbianas en Chile durante la dictadura militar (1973-1990) y la transición a la democracia (1990-2000) ha sido históricamente invisibilizada, tanto en las narrativas oficiales como dentro de los propios movimientos de izquierda. Estas mujeres enfrentaron una doble opresión: la represión del Estado por su militancia y la marginación en sus propios espacios políticos, donde la heterosexualidad y los roles tradicionales de género dominaban la agenda. Mientras la militancia política de las mujeres dentro de los movimientos sociales ha sido reconocida en algunos estudios, el rol de las mujeres lesbianas ha sido relegado a una categoría subalterna, quedando sus experiencias fuera de las narrativas predominantes de la historia política chilena. Este artículo busca abordar esta omisión mediante el análisis de las memorias de mujeres lesbianas que participaron en movimientos y partidos de izquierda, introduciendo el concepto de "memoria velada" como una herramienta teórica para comprender sus trayectorias políticasCatalina HerreraNatalia Cortés
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2025-03-052025-03-0533175216Mandatory nexus between gender expression and gender identity: tension strategies and questions regarding binarism
When thinking about gender expression, we tend to link it to gender identity. To think that just because someone identifies as male or female that person is going to dress in a certain way is just another form of a binarism, that demands filling gender stereotypes from decades ago. This piece tries to rethink this concepts, reflecting on the need to understand gender expression and gender identity from a critic perspective, and one that questions, first, the binary logics that goes through them, and also the fact that there is a dressing and looking demand towards people that don’t fit the male-female binary. Matias Suarez Godoy
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2025-03-052025-03-0533217234Mandatory nexus between gender expression and gender identity: tension strategies and questions regarding binarism
When thinking about gender expression, we tend to link it to gender identity. To think that just because someone identifies as male or female that person is going to dress in a certain way is just another form of a binarism, that demands filling gender stereotypes from decades ago. This piece tries to rethink this concepts, reflecting on the need to understand gender expression and gender identity from a critic perspective, and one that questions, first, the binary logics that goes through them, and also the fact that there is a dressing and looking demand towards people that don’t fit the male-female binary.Matías Ignacio Suárez Godoy
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2025-03-052025-03-0533217234Naming Oneself Trans in Chile: Narrative Productions by Trans People on the Recognition of Their Identity
Research recognizes that transgender people are facing high levels of discrimination and victimization, showing a correlation between intimidation and the hiding of transgender identity. Despite this, trans people exist and resist, this article explores the process of trans people in the recognition of their identity through narrative productions, investigating the experience of choosing a new name and the experience of social re-identification. A process of narrative production was done in a group of three trans persons between 28 and 35 years old, living in the Valparaíso region of Chile during the year 2021. Through this methodology, it was described to be trans as: a complex identity difficult to comprehend from institutional frameworks; an individual and collective experience as it requires company and referents to develop, as well as it was visualized that trans identity contains the movement as an essential part of its constitution. The following article highlights the transcendence of writing in first person and narrative practices as actions of resistance to the dominant cis-gender scientific knowledge, offering an insight into the trans experience and embodied knowledge.Fede Amaranto Fuenzalida MuñozJ.L.Lucas Gamonal Nuñez
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This essay connects the concept of the pose with performativity and hegemonic beauty standards through Sylvia Molloy’s “La política de la pose” (2017) and Judith Butler’s concept of performativity in Bodies that matter (1993). The pose, as a cultural and political phenomenon, is very relevant still today. From its description as a political act in Molloy’s text to its connection with dandyism, the pose shows how discourse adheres to people’s bodies and how, over time, becomes a part of them. Discourse materialized in bodies leads us to analyze the relationship between the pose, performativity, and the concept of celebrity, focusing on hegemonically celebrated bodies and the ideals this narrative reproduces. This analysis highlights how body representation can affect public perceptions and personal identities, revealing a deeper implication of the body as discourse and the nature of modern identities.Carolina Osorio
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2025-03-052025-03-0533261272Raising against the current: reflections of a mother of a trans child
This article explores the experience of a mother accompanying her trans daughter, offering a critical perspective on patriarchal and binary gender norms. Through a journey of continuous learning and personal deconstruction, the author draws inspiration from theories such as Preciado’s Countersexual Manifesto (2002) and Butler’s concept of gender performativity. The text reflects on the challenges faced by families in rural and conservative contexts, addressing the systemic barriers within education and healthcare that reinforce exclusionary structures. Advocating for inclusive policies and community awareness, this testimony serves as a call to action for building a more equitable and inclusive world where everyone can live and love freely, without fear of judgment based on their gender identity.Vilma Hilda Leiva Huanca
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2025-03-052025-03-0533273281What would your party colleagues Say? Carlos' homosexuality in My Tender Matador by Pedro Lemebel
In this article, I will explore Carlos' sexuality from the book My Tender Matador by Pedro Lemebel (2001) where the character is presented as a member of the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front (FPMR) who becomes involved with Loca del Frente, a queer old woman, who for affection towards Carlos ends up doing favors to him that end up involving her in the political plans of the young guerrilla. This will be addressed through Carlos' masculinity and sexuality. This will be adressed trough the masculinity based on the contrast between Carlos has with Loca del Frente. And finally, to reflect on his homosexuality we will see how the figure of the new man and his participation in the guerrilla is conflicted by his militancy as an space of oppression for his identity.Silvana Nuñez
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2025-03-052025-03-0533283293Criminals of Affection: queer emancipation through art and public space
This article aims to highlight the relationship that exists between art as an artistic practice that reveals identities and dissident discourses, which through its execution is capable of collaborating with the construction and elaboration of reflections on homoaffection, bonding and sexuality. outside the imposed regulations. Art has the capacity and potential to reveal discourses that help the artist and the viewer to express discourses in the search for understanding and the fight for equal rights for the LGBTIQ+ community and overcome homo / bi / trans hatred in the society. Through the review of archives of visual works, where art has recorded dissident memory in Chile in its constant context of transformation, we seek to analyze photography as a memorial: beginning with the historical criminalization of homosexuality and its subsequent emancipation before the heteronormative system. In that sense, this article aims to emphasize the importance of registration and artistic action to enhance sexual diversity through art as a field of expression and identity self-determination in society Matias San Martín Jacob
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2025-03-052025-03-0533295319Gender violence and sociohistorical power relations: a feminist approach
This article seeks to present an analysis of the role of women in contractual theories and how this influences the occurrence of gender violence. It will be deliberated how the rise of capitalism has subjugated women and institutionalized gender violence. It will also be examined how misogyny threatens women today and how there is still a strong sense of standardization of gender violence, that must be counteracted through a reformulation of nowadays social relations.Claudia Xavier Faria
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2025-03-052025-03-0533321339A wildly fragile presence. About “The Coliza Convulsion: Mares of the Apocalypse (1987 - 1997)” by Fernanda Carvajal
Fernanda Carvajal's publication "La Convulsión Coliza: Yeguas del Apocalipsis (1987 - 1997)" (2023, Editorial Metales Pesados), presents a careful journey through the trajectory of the artistic collective composed of Pedro Lemebel and Francisco "Pancho" Casas who, towards the decline of the Chilean civil-military dictatorship, carried out controversial art actions in public spaces such as the Refoundation of the University of Chile (c. 1988); in cultural spaces such as Las Dos Fridas (1990) at Galería Bucci; of counterculture such as Tiananmen (1989) at Garage Matucana 19; and in political spaces such as The Conquest of America (1989) in the Chilean Human Rights Commission; to mention just a few of the most recognized.Alejandro de la Fuente
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2025-03-052025-03-0533453467That blind spot of reality and ourselves
Not all of Sonia González Valdenegro's work falls into the noir genre, however, it is the way to approach Ni a la destra de Nadie, since her stories are soaked in the Noir register. The same occurs with some of his previously published stories, such as “Killing the husband is the watchword”, “The precious life we dream of”, “Powerful knight” and “The crime of Ester”. All of these narratives address crime, wrongdoing, and the society that operates as part and cause of explicit or covert violence.Julia Guzmán Watine
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2025-03-052025-03-0533469425“We are three lengths away from the final stretch”: notes on Polyphony of a Race by Karo Castro (2024)
Like many other animal species, we could trace the history of the horse in parallel to the history—which we generally know better—of humans. Rather, the latter would be impossible to understand without their presence, our bond and their domestication, the fascination they have provoked over the centuries. From their appearance in cave paintings up to 32 thousand years ago - those figures of time almost impossible to understand -, through their importance in foundational texts such as The Iliad, reaching a present in which they have been replaced as the most reliable and fastest method of transportation, a place they had for centuries, along with being important forces in war and agriculture.Catherina Campillay Covarrubias
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2025-03-052025-03-0533477480OCTOBER (Text of presentation of the book “From consensus to post-democracy in Chile. Essays on neoliberal restoration and reactionary progressivism, Grapho Ediciones, 2024. Coord. Rudy Iván Pradenas, Diego Pérez Pezoa, Claudio Aguayo Bórquez).
How to read the book “From Consensus to Post-Democracy in Chile. Essays on neoliberal restoration in Chile and Reactionary Progressivism. A volume that brings together texts by Claudio Aguayo Bórquez, Sergio Villalobos-Ruminot, Diego Pérez Pezoa, Rudy Iván Pradenas, Débora Fernández Cárcamo and Carolina Herrera. The authors take a position that seeks to reveal theories that allow us to analyze the features of the system, its traps, the cumulative fixation that works relatively covertly such as a toxic agent that permeates power in the political field.Diamela Eltit
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2025-03-052025-03-0533481485Words between equality and diversity: reconsiderations on sexuality and gender in the field of Philology and Didactics (2021), Cristóbal Torres Fernández, Jaime Puig Guisado, Rocío Cruz Ortiz and Sabina Reyes de las Casas (coord.), DYKINSON, Madrid
Words between equality and diversity: reconsiderations on sexuality and gender in the field of Philology and Didactics is a work coordinated by Cristóbal Torres Fernández, Jaime Puig Guisado, Rocío Cruz Ortiz and Sabina Reyes de las Casas, a product of the scientific results of seventeen researchers from different national and international universities and the activism promoted by the Humanitas Sevilla Association. This work published in 2021 aims to show a diverse mosaic of the most recent research on sexual and gender diversity from a philological, artistic and didactic perspective.CARLA MIÑANA JUST
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2025-03-052025-03-0533487490Interview with Jack Halberstam: Anarchitecture, intergenerational tensions and non-binary structures of desire: gender as a field of struggle
“Non-binary is a big “NO” that is expressed through gender, and this has profound political implications. I have no idea how the concept will develop in the future, but I know that if I were young, my animosity would be directed against those who have ruined everything for me.” The book Feminine Masculinity, published in 1998 by Jack Halberstam, marked the beginning of a summer of intensive reading about his work. A message of admiration through a social network unexpectedly led to an interview with the author. Below, we share a fragment of our conversation, which took place one afternoon in June 2024, during his visit to Chile.Fede FuenzalidaSoledad Falabella
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2025-03-052025-03-0533The sodomy in Chile (1885-1903)
The objective of this research is to examine the crime of sodomy through its representation in criminal proceedings and the judicial framework that unveils the testimonies of social actors. The selected primary sources (criminal trials) reveal the sexual and emotional tensions that emerged within male sociability. None of the analyzed criminal cases involved acts of sodomy as rape; rather, they reflected relationships rooted in friendship, compadrazgos (ritual kinships akin to godparenthood), and commercial ties that men cultivated in their daily lives, which later became the subject of legal proceedings. The crime of sodomy in Chile during the selected period was formally prosecuted under the national criminal code established in 1874.Marcelo Valenzuela Cáceres
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2025-03-052025-03-0533361391Fragmentos textuales
Nonexistent file. This project consists of a series of photographic-like images featuring working class homosexual couples, queer and non-binary people from the early 20th century in Latin America. The images were created using generative artificial intelligence (AI) models that process databases, so neither the photographic images nor the people depicted in them actually existedFelpe Rivas
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2025-03-052025-03-0533393395inverted memories
Since 2015, I have been artistically investigating methodological, discursive and aesthetic possibilities to articulate sexual dissidence on the stage territory. I am a queer-cuir performing artist from the global south of the world who, although he had professional theater training at the University of Chile, it has been the deviant artistic experiences with my company Teatro SUR and the activisms in sexual dissidence that have enabled me to obtain most of the situated knowledge that passes through me and I am interested in continuing to develop and expand.Ernesto Orellana
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2025-03-052025-03-0533Mariunderstanding the clinic of the minor and (re)touching the outside of generic-sexual normativity. An epistolary interview with Fabrice Bourlez
Epistolary interview with Fabrice Bourlez, author of Queer psicoanálisis/Queoír el psicoanálisis (2021), performed between March and June 2022, after the workshop Deshacer el género. Psicoanálisis, (en) lo menor, implemented by Débora Oníria and Carolina Pezoa, Chilean poet and psychoanalyst who passed away last fall 2023. The interview addresses different aspects of the "clinic of the minor", a movement inside psychoanalysis that emerges in France. In the light of the above, the relationship between psychoanalysis and queer theory, the implications of philosophical thought around the question of desire, the queerization of art history, the unconscious, psychic suffering, the affirmation of difference and the conformation of a safe space as ethical principles of analytical consultation framed in the vindication of sexual and (non) reproductive rights, its political, social, clinical and intersubjective aporias are thematized.Debora Fernández Cárcamo
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