Revista Ethika+ 2024-11-10T20:07:30+00:00 Antonio Letelier S. Open Journal Systems estudios de ética; éticas aplicadas; biopolítico The The origin of the non-dual phenomenological image in the ethics of care 2024-03-07T02:40:04+00:00 José Manuel Sánchez Fernández <p>This article traces the phenomenological origin of images in the present moment. To do this, the singular image and its generative force reflected in two non-dual proposals is considered: that of B. Spinoza, where affects actively constitute reality as an ethical response related to care; and that of C. Gilligan, whose ‘ethics of care’ builds a genuine personality capable of producing a non-dual image of our self through a creative identity free of prejudices. Finally, a visual example that synthesizes the ethical power of the image and its relationship with care is presented.</p> 2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ethika+ Trans-humanism and technological nature: Rethinking trans-nature to transform the anthropocene 2024-01-08T19:12:47+00:00 Felipe Labra-Oyanedel <p>At the dawn of a new stage in the Anthropocene, marked by the advancement of information and communication technologies, robotics, hyperconnectivity through digital mobile devices, remote sensors, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, science, philosophy, and society, in general, are beginning to question the ecological and ontological impacts of these technologies on human well-being as in nature well-being. In this context, this article, based on a bibliographic review of previous definitions and a holistic and biocentric approach that places nature at the center of the problem, seeks to contribute to the theoretical and philosophical discussion about the concept of ‘transnature’. Understanding ‘transnature’ as an alternative way from the one derived from the current dominant anthropocentric transhumanism approach. The idea is to contribute to the ethical and theoretical reflection on the human-technology-nature relationship in the context of the current poly-crisis, to encourage value and conceptual transformations that promote more promising futures for nature in its broad and complex notion that integrate both human and non-human beings.</p> 2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ethika+ The Contingency of the Xeno. A Strange Essay on Chaos and Uncertainty 2024-04-04T00:56:40+00:00 Isaac-Nehemias Moya <p><em>Xeno</em> indicates the strange, and amidst strangeness, the contemporary world has been ensnared. The accelerated digitization of epistemes has fostered a cleft that allows the consideration of multiplicities that are strange to humanism. New readings on techno-digital acceleration are relevant upon addressing issues regarding the technical and its catastrophic aporias. The enigma of this writing is drawn upon the possibility of re-conceiving the supposed technological apocalypse. The concept of the <em>xeno</em> will seek to overturn the eschatological end of our mode of existence based on cyberspace, artificial intelligence, and posthumanism.</p> 2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ethika+ The Paradox of the Constitution of the Subject in Educational Evaluation in Latin America: An Analysis from Phenomenological Anthropology 2024-05-07T12:33:53+00:00 Johann Enrique Pérez <p>This article presents the first of three analysis which structure the research on the question of the subject in educational evaluation in Latin America. Evaluation is assumed as one of the connection scenarios in the plexus of intersubjective relationships within it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the notion of subject and the processes of constitution in it. From this perspective evaluation is analyzed as a phenomenon of human experience and social interaction. The way in which the subject gives itself to the experience and how it is constituted and becomes a constituent from the synthesis of passive and active strata is described and interpreted. A paradox is then revealed in its constitutive processes in the scenario of educational evaluation.</p> 2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ethika+ The production of the milieu in biopolitical practice 2024-06-23T00:34:25+00:00 Celsio Arceu <p>The following article explores Michel Foucault’s studies on biopolitics concerning space based on the concept of milieu (environment). The liberal art of governing operates not only on the population but also on the territory where that living multiplicity circulates and interacts. Therefore,<br />biopolitical practice configures a milieu based on security devices for the population, since as a living species, it is surrounded by a vital environment that affects it. This article will address the techniques and transformations<br />of the milieu from classical liberalism to 20th-century neoliberalism</p> 2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ethika+ The False Primacy of the Postmodern: Crisis of Certainties, Representation, and Body 2024-07-12T18:08:52+00:00 Fabiana Pellegrini <p>Lyotard in 1979 offers a false primacy of postmodernity for certain themes. Among these themes are the crisis of certainties and the emancipation of a new human being free from power structures, representation, and the emergence of the body. This article aims to demonstrate the presence of these themes already in modern authors such as Nietzsche, Marx, and Weil, contrary to the claims of Lyotard, Deleuze, and Foucault</p> 2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ethika+ What Is it Like to Be an object? The political problem of the object 2024-07-05T18:20:43+00:00 Luca Romano <p>The possibility of understanding the other decisively relies on the possibility of being other, of becoming another. But can we, as human animals, understand what a bat feels, what a plant feels or, taking the argument to the extreme, understand what an object feels? Can we, human beings, begin to understand hyperobjects in the light of the impossibility of being another? This work looks to construct an analysis of the impossibility of the Deleuzian relationship of devenir-, and the relationship to hyperobjects.</p> 2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ethika+ Desafíos para una comunidad más allá de la humanidad. Posthumanismos, pensamiento latinoamericano y políticas públicas edited by Diego Ticchione 2024-06-26T17:52:03+00:00 Alexander Prado-Bastías <p>Review of <em>Desafíos para una comunidad más allá de la humanidad</em> edited by Diego Ticchione</p> 2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ethika+ La fuerte razón para estar juntos de Peter Sloterdijk 2024-09-14T15:22:02+00:00 Sofía Indira Pérez Pérez <p>Book review of ‘The strong reason to be together’ by Peter Sloterdijk.</p> 2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ethika+ Editorial: ¡Diez números! 2024-10-25T21:46:01+00:00 Nicolás Antonio Rojas-Cortés Editorial of issue 10 2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Ethika+