Cuadernos de Historia 2024-11-29T15:50:56+00:00 Sergio Grez Open Journal Systems <p><em>Cuadernos de Historia </em>recibe para su publicación artículos originales de investigación de Historia, Arqueología, Antropología y otras disciplinas de las Ciencias Sociales y de las Humanidades, considerando la perspectiva histórica y procurando que estos contribuyan a difundir el debate metodológico y el intercambio académico bajo los más altos estándares de calidad y ética. Estos principios también se aplican en todas las etapas del proceso de recepción, evaluación y edición. La revista también publica fuentes poco conocidas que sean relevantes para la investigación, además de reseñas de libros aparecidos en los dos años anteriores a su envío al equipo editorial. La publicación no tendrá cargos para el/la o los/as autores/as.</p> Eugénia Palieraki Naissance d’une révolution: histoire critique du MIR chilien París, Éditons Terres du Feu, 2023, 363 pp. ISBN: 978-2-9587315 2024-11-29T14:50:58+00:00 Mario Vega Henríquez En esta obra, su autora nos presenta un amplio y profundo análisis acerca del surgimiento y de la trayectoria del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), organización política que ejerció un rol de influencia que alcanzó su punto culminante durante el gobierno de la Unidad Popular (UP) en Chile. Si bien se trata de un asunto que ha sido tematizado a través de una ingente historiografía, los matices e interpretaciones que propone Palieraki, otorgan renovada validez al debate en torno de los procesos de radicalización ideológica desarrollados en nuestro país durante los llamados “largos años sesenta” en el campo de la izquierda. 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Eduardo Tamayo Belda (ed.) Vínculos culturales entre España y Paraguay desde la historia y la literatura. Madrid, UAM Ediciones, 2023, 235 pp. ISBN: 978-84-8344-891-5 2024-11-29T15:06:49+00:00 Rubén Monárdez Fajardo La obra que se reseña a continuación es la compilación de una serie de artículos presentados entre los meses de octubre y diciembre de 2021 en un ciclo de videoconferencias homónimo patrocinado por la Embajada del Paraguay en España, la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y el Centro Cultural de España Juan de Salazar. En palabras del, por entonces, embajador del Paraguay en el país ibérico, Ricardo Scavone Yegros, el propósito de estos encuentros digitales no fue únicamente difundir la historia de las relaciones culturales entre ambos pueblos más allá de los ámbitos académicos, sino que también destacar la importancia que han tenido para el Paraguay estos lazos, así como el de estimular el interés de futuros investigadores en estas materias. El trabajo, que aborda los vínculos culturales hispanoparaguayos desde una perspectiva histórica e interdisciplinaria, se compone de una breve presentación a cargo del ya mencionado diplomático paraguayo, seguido de una robusta introducción y otros ocho capítulos concernientes a los distintos temas debatidos durante las videoconferencias. 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Daniel Palma Alvarado. Pacos. Policías, Estado y sociedad en Chile (desde el siglo XIX hasta 1927) Santiago, Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Colección Historia, 2023, 319 pp. ISBN 978-956-357-445-6 2024-11-29T15:23:35+00:00 Marcelo Sánchez Delgado ¿Es en la actualidad el apelativo “pacos” un insulto a una parte de los cuerpos policiales chilenos? ¿Siempre lo fue o hay incluso respeto y aprecio en ese uso coloquial del lenguaje? Esto, que puede ser una polémica quizás superficial, no ha dejado de ser parte del debate social y político en torno a las policías chilenas en el último lustro, al punto que el uso de la palabra ha sido objeto de censuras y sanciones. Claramente se trata de un debate mucho mayor que incluye la posibilidad y necesidad de una reforma de las policías, la reafirmación de su condición de autoridad que debe ser respetada y provista de legitimación social, cultural y jurídica en su actuar, así como el resguardo de su necesaria probidad y apego a un actuar conforme al respeto de los derechos humanos; todo ello en un contexto de una así llamada “crisis de seguridad” y con la memoria resistente de los episodios de violencia policial en el estallido social de 2019. Por ello, el título del libro insinúa algo polémico y en debate. Si, “pacos” puede ser el grito anónimo apagado en la multitud, puede ser el desahogo rebelde, la simple rabia frente la prepotencia. Y, sin embargo, es algo más. Mucho más 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Víctor Brangier. Las semillas de Colliguay Santiago, Editorial Pendragón, 2023, 278 pp. ISBN 978-956-09777-2-4 2024-11-29T15:30:14+00:00 Rafael Arriaza Peña Para el historiador, las fuentes o las “huellas” son parte fundamental de su trabajo. En ellas encuentra los vestigios mediante los cuales procura reconstruir, comprender y narrar los acontecimientos del pasado. Dicho trabajo, sin embargo, está condicionado por una serie de variables que escapan a las posibilidades del historiador. Dentro de estas, la continuidad/discontinuidad de las fuentes es una de las que se repiten, dado que, en diversas ocasiones es difícil, o derechamente imposible, obtener ciertos documentos (destrucción, pérdida, negativa de entregar la información, entre otros). De aquí surge la interrogante central de la obra que se comenta: ¿qué hacer con los vacíos que dejan las fuentes? Para responder, el autor, se atreve a abordar la problemática presentando una alternativa que se desliza entre fronteras, donde los límites entre diferentes disciplinas académicas dejan de ser claros. De esta manera, en las Semillas de Colliguay encontramos un texto que no tiene aspiraciones historiográficas, ni tampoco busca esclarecer “la verdad” ni establecer los criterios para procurar rellenar los espacios que dejan las “huellas” sobre el pasado. Para el autor, el texto in comento, es la apertura de una crónica eventual, una historia presunta, que nace a partir de los expedientes que tiene a su disposición y son presentados al lector. 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Jorge Valderrama Gutiérrez. Varoli: As del volante. Vida, hazañas y legado. Santiago, Ediciones Universidad Autónoma de Chile, 2024, 139 pp. ISBN 978-956-417-030-5 2024-11-29T15:45:28+00:00 Martín Chamorro Quezada Durante la última década ha habido un aumento en la producción bibliográfica en torno a la historia de la ciudad de Talca en todos los ámbitos, siendo el aspecto social y cultural los que han llamado más la atención, debido al rol de múltiples personalidades y organizaciones locales que han realizado diversos aportes sin dejar atrás el sentido de pertenencia hacia la capital de la región del Maule. En el deporte, junto con el fútbol y el basquetbol, Talca posee una interesante historia relacionada con el automovilismo, principalmente, durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, en el que Lorenzo Varoli Gherardi se convirtió en uno de los automovilistas más importantes e icónicos de su tiempo. 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Manuel Lagos Mieres. Bajo el Sol de la Anarquía. Ritos, símbolos y valores de la cultura libertaria en Chile (1890-1940) Santiago, Editorial Lux, 2023, 526 pp. 2024-11-29T15:50:56+00:00 Fabián Esteban Lizana Vásquez El libro Bajo el Sol de la Anarquía. Ritos, símbolos y valores de la cultura libertaria en Chile (1890-1940) de Manuel Lagos Mieres, publicado por Editorial Lux en 2023, ofrece un exhaustivo análisis sobre el anarquismo en la región chilena entre los años 1890 y 1940. La obra sostiene que este movimiento no solo fue una ideología política, sino también una fuerza cultural que cohesionó al movimiento obrero mediante el uso de símbolos, rituales y valores compartidos. Con un total de 526 páginas organizadas en seis partes, Lagos Mieres desarrolla una narrativa que examina la evolución del anarquismo desde su llegada al país hasta la consolidación de su identidad a través de la creación de mitos y la exaltación de héroes y mártires que, en definitiva, fueron incidiendo en la conformación de una praxis libertaria que se masificó en las primeras dos décadas del siglo XX. 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Party politics and prison regime in Cordoba, Argentina (1928-1943) 2024-11-13T15:30:46+00:00 Milena Luciano This article investigates the connections between the provincial government agendas and the modalities adopted by the prison regimes in Cordoba from 1928 to 1943, a stage of expansion of the interventional State in Argentina. The scale of analysis adopted rescues the particularities of the provincial case in the national concert, through the reconstruction of nets political and intellectual actors –specifically lawyers and doctors– profiles, trajectories and their incidence in the prison space. This study demonstrates the centrality of party trajectories as an attribute to exercise senior positions in the prison administration of Cordoba, while allowing the dimensioning of differentiated effects in the reception of criminological knowledge in provincial confinement institutions. 2024-11-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Books, magazines and libels on anti-communism or the ideas of the Dirty War in Mexico, 1965-1976 2024-11-13T15:46:48+00:00 Gerardo Baltazar Mozqueda Miguel Ángel Urrego Ardila In the present work, anti-communism in Mexico is explored from its ideological level, insisting on the connection between ideas and politics. Anti-communism has very remote antecedents, from the 19th century in Europe and throughout the 20th century, with particular expansion during the Cold War. Despite the variety of its sources and its multiple nuances, there are few studies that approach anti-communist ideas and discourses that are almost always associated with misrepresentations and manipulations. In the proposed temporality, anti-communism in Mexico was expressed in various spaces of enunciation: libels, books, and magazines. These materials offer the possibility of showing those authors, ideas, theories, and concepts that were circulating in a period that was characterized by the use of repressive measures to contain the growing political opposition to the Mexican State. 2024-11-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia The Sal de Obispo nitrate canton, its Paradas Offices and its discoverers (1830-1870). The base of the industrialization of saltpeter 2024-11-13T16:04:49+00:00 Sergio González Pizarro Sergio González Miranda This article is based on a case study of the Sal de Obispo canton (1830-1870), located in a quadrant to the west and surrounding of Cerro San Francisco, in Tarapacá in southern Peru (current northern Chile), which is considered one of the earliest among the nitrate exploitation areas. The historical importance of this canton is discussed due to its extension because of a salt flat, allowing the early planting of Paradas offices and the first steam engine offices in this region. Transforming into a case study that allows us to understand and analyze in all its complexity the development and development of the saltpeter industry in its initial phase (1830) until the first industrial boom (1870). From a microhistorical approach and a documentary and bibliographic methodology, a local phenomenon that had relevance on a global scale is described and analyzed, being the basis for the first nitrate boom. 2024-11-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Study of a lonely barometer in Chile at the beginning of the 19 th century. A first approach from material culture 2024-11-13T16:22:06+00:00 José Barraza The aim of this paper was to elaborate a first analyze, from the material culture perspective, about the barometer that Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna identified as the only one that existed in Santiago de Chile at the beginning of the 19th century. After a review of the first media published in the country, such as La Aurora de Chile or El Mercurio Chileno, in addition to scientific articles and documentation from the 19th century, a brief biography of this instrument was prepared. This paper proposed that this barometer promoted the circulation of meteorological knowledge at a transnational level. It is also suggested that this instrument could have different roles in its interaction with the 19th society, being a link between atmospheric sciences and people, and an articulator of social relations. 2024-11-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Presentación Dossier. Mujeres y emociones en Chile colonial: fuentes, métodos y estudios de casos (siglos XVII al XIX) 2024-10-10T14:25:12+00:00 Macarena Cordero Fernández Alejandra Fuentes González Durante las últimas décadas, la pregunta sobre la dimensión subjetiva de los seres humanos –sus emociones, sentires, sentimientos, sentidos, afectos o pasiones– ha suscitado un vasto interés entre los historiadores, a consecuencia del “giro afectivo” o “affective turn” que experimentaron las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales a partir de los años noventa en adelante. Ello se ha manifestado en las numerosas instancias de discusión que se han organizado tanto en Chile como en el extranjero, dando lugar a una serie de charlas, seminarios, tesis, libros y artículos de reciente publicación. 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Furor, fury, voracity and discomposure: The evaluation of women’s passional excess in judicial records of late-colonial Chile 2024-10-10T16:08:16+00:00 Mariana Labarca This article explores how was identified and evaluated the emotional states of women who, seized by strong emotions, reacted in a violent and disorderly way executing “excesses” considered outside the bounds of law in Captaincy General of Chile during the 18 th century. To do so, it examines judicial records involving violent behaviors, interpersonal disputes and family conflicts in which mood was scrutinized to explain what predisposed the person’s actions. It delves into how women’s passional excess or disturbed emotions were described, comparing it to the descriptions of men acting under similar predisposition to find out patterns behind this identification and the evaluation made by those involved in the altercation, judges, witnesses and lawyers. The article suggests that Chilean culture identified in “furor” and “fury”, translated into reactions that denoted “voracity” and “discomposure”, a seed of inner instability that was close to madness or that could be assimilated to it. This state of internal disturbance could affect both men and women, although the evaluation on its significance was in each case different. 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia “Out of spite of seeing myself abandoned…”. A case of obfuscation and violence of a woman on the border. Vilcún, 1942 2024-10-10T16:25:11+00:00 Yéssica González Gómez In Vilcún, Chile, on the evening of September 21, 1942, Francisca Cayupi Marín confronted and publicly stabbed Alberto Moraga Bello for leaving her and marrying someone else. Employing a microhistorical approach and based on the study of this legal case file, this research proposes, on one hand, the analysis of the use of violence as female agency in the face of conflicts in couples; and on the other hand, the analysis of emotions in the construction of a narrative of female defense in judicial testimonies, understood as a performative act and the display of negotiating abilities in response to decisions by judges and justice agents, within a regional and border space. 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Approaching the Elizabethan concepts of emotion. Emotional vocabulary in the English treatises by Thomas Rogers (1576) and Thomas Wright (1601) 2024-10-10T18:26:19+00:00 Paula Baldwin Lind This article analyzes the notion of emotion in early modern England, specifically throughout the Elizabethan era, from some perspectives of cultural history (Febvre and Burke) and the so-called “affective turn”. First, it identifies the terms that describe and allude to emotions in two of the most representative treatises on the subject, those of Thomas Rogers and Thomas Wright, published in 1576 and 1601, respectively, to verify that the term “emotion”, which describes a certain alteration of mood, does not appear in these sources, as its use in English is later. Both writers choose concepts that they consider synonymous to refer to emotions, whether “feelings”, “perturbations”, “motions”, or “affections”, but, above all, “passions”, which emphasizes the intensity of that which is suffered, although without entirely denying human agency. Secondly, it is established that both sources draw on Hippocratic-Galenic humoral theory and the philosophical heritage of Aristotle and Augustine, among others, but differ in the moral perspective of the emotions, for while Wright professed Catholicism, Rogers adhered to the Protestant Reformation. Finally, it is argued that Elizabethan culture assumes that the male subject not only experiences and expresses emotions in a different way than women, but also that while his emotions are rooted in the brain, liver and spleen, the entire female emotional structure, with its various manifestations, is associated with the womb. 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Leonor de Andrade or Francisca Sotelo, bitter paths that lead to the holy office of Lima, 17 th century. 2024-10-10T18:45:11+00:00 Macarena Cordero Fernández The following article analyzes the feelings of a family, especially those of Leonor de Andrade, mother and wife, who had to face the horror of an inquisitorial process before the of the Holy Office Tribunal of Lima –in the mid-17th century–. Due to her religious identity as a Judaizer, Leonor de Andradre, which constituted a danger, not only due to the heretical nature of her practices and beliefs, but also, that the fact of being a woman was considered, by the Inquisition, as a great threat, because that Moses’ religion was transmitted through women. In such circumstances, Leonor experienced a series of feelings, showing her drive to survive and hope to see her little daughter again. Also, we propose to outline the subjectivities of the Inquisition and some officers from a cultural perspective, given that emotions are practices that redefine the actions of the subjects. 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Serving and feeling in the cloister: opposing emotions in the slave experience of the female monasteries. Santiago de Chile, 17th to 18th centuries 2024-10-10T19:00:43+00:00 Alejandra Fuentes González This article studies the slavery experience in the female monasteries of Santiago de Chile between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, in the case of subjects of African origin. Taking the cultural history of emotions as an interpretative quadrant to examine a series of conventual and extra-conventual sources such as pastoral visits, confessional writings, records of accounts, renunciations of temporal goods and letters of freedom; the research determines the constellation of opposing emotions that traced the daily trajectory of such experience, in what way and what were its consequences in the short and medium term. 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Luxuria and vanitas: visualizing the conversion of the Magdalena in the Viceregal southern Andes in Santiago of Chile, 1650-1750 2024-10-10T19:55:47+00:00 Catherine Burdick This essay investigates the popularity of the artistic theme of the conversion of María Magdalena in the domestic spaces of Santiago, Chile from approximately 1650-1750. Carried out through an iconographic study of a representative painting in the Barbosa-Stern collection together with an assessment of archival data from the National Historical Archive, Magdalena’s counterreformation persona as a sinful penitent is shown to have been supported by the highly mutable and sensorial themes of luxuria and vanitas. Ultimately, the essay argues that the popularity the Magdalena in colonial-era paintings was tied to a mutable iconography, suspended between her imperfect past and virtuous future, that localized this saint for urban upper-class female audiences of the southern Andean region. 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Surveillance of the Activities of Luis Emilio Recabarren, his Comrades, and other Activists of the Labor Movement by Chilean State Agents (1918-1924) 2024-11-29T13:51:41+00:00 Sergio Grez Toso The documents presented here correspond to a selection of fifteen volumes of Providencias (1918 to 1924) from the collection of the Ministry of the Interior, preserved in the National Administration Archive (ARNAD) of Santiago, Chile. These include letters, reports, and telegrams that illustrate the ongoing efforts of civil and police authorities to stay informed, monitor, control, and repress the activities of “agitator Recabarren” and some of his comrades, as well as many activists from the labor movement of the northern nitrate region, who were viewed as “subversive”, “pernicious”, and “seditious” by police chiefs. 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia Interview with historian Eugenia Palieraki: “The renewed persistence of a revolutionary time” 2024-11-29T14:24:56+00:00 Mario Vega Henríquez The Greek historian residing in France, Eugenia Palieraki, analyzes in this interview the intellectual concerns that motivated her interest in Latin America as a research problem, which, as detailed, come from both life experiences and academic experiences that arose within her process. of training, highlighting in particular the contribution made in this regard by the late Spanish-French historian François-Xavier Guerra. Palieraki also highlights the influence and collaboration received from his Latin American colleagues with whom he has developed a fruitful and permanent dialogue focused, especially, on our recent past, as well as on the survival of the idea of “revolution”. 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia The “funeral of the homeland”. Salvador Allende’s last impressions before the shipwreck 2024-11-29T14:37:32+00:00 Eduardo Téllez Lúgaro The two documents that are published allow a counterpoint to be made between the official information that the president of Chile, Salvador Allende, transmitted in the speech he gave during the great mass rally held by the supporters of the Popular Unity (the left-wing coalition in government), held on September 4, 1973 (doc. I), and the evaluation of this event, carried out the following day by Allende himself, before militants and leaders of his political coalition, according to the version (doc. II) sent to the agencies and authorities in Washington by the local office (Santiago) of the CIA. On the occasion, among other topics, the president said he believed that he would soon be overthrown by a coup d’état of the entire armed forces of the Republic. On this occasion, he expressed negative judgments of the people›s power, the capacity of the masses and the forces of the Popular Unity to stop the military insurrection, which was about to produce 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cuadernos de Historia