Allophonic characterization of the phonemic group /t̪ɾ/ in non-standard speech in a sample of chilean spanish speakers reading-aloud and in a semi-spontaneous interview
Alejandra Araneda Beltrán
Universidad de Concepción
Jaime Soto-Barba
Universidad de Concepción
Daniel Pereira Pereira
Universidad de Concepción
Mauricio A. Figueroa Candia
Universidad de Concepción
This paper presents the main results of the allophonic variation of the consonantal group /t̪ ɾ/ in a variety of Chilean Spanish –that of speakers that have not completed secondary education- obtained from eight cities (Iquique, La Serena, Valparaíso, Santiago, Concepción, Temuco, Coyhaique and Punta Arenas), using two elicitation tasks -semi-spontaneous interview and reading-aloud- completed by male and female speakers. The results showed that the sequence of plosive followed by a tap, that is /t̪ ɾ/, was more frequent. In addition, the independent variables geographic origin, elicitation task and gender were shown to have a statistically significant effect on the phonetic realizations of /t̪ ɾ/.
allophonic variation, non-standard Spanish, semi-spontaneous interview, reading-aloud, plosives, tap
Araneda Beltrán, A., Soto-Barba, J., Pereira Pereira, D., & Figueroa Candia, M. A. (2020). Allophonic characterization of the phonemic group /t̪ɾ/ in non-standard speech in a sample of chilean spanish speakers reading-aloud and in a semi-spontaneous interview. Boletín De Filología, 54(2), pp. 291–318. Retrieved from