The aim of this article is to compare two different descriptions of ‘pronominal structures’, or ‘pronominal constructions’: a) that presented in the ‘Nueva gramática de la lengua española’ (‘New grammar of the Spanish language’), which does not acknowledge the concept of ‘pronominal structure’, ‘or pronominal construction’, and b) the an alternative description deriving from our own descriptive model (on which we have founded a contrastive research on the subject still in progress). After presenting and contrasting both descriptions we make an argument against the ‘academic view’ because it turns out to be confusing, sometimes contradictory, and not didactic. These deficiencies are dealt with in our descriptive model, and this is the reason why we consider it more appropriate than the academic description.
pronominal structure or construction, pronominal verb, medial construction, ‘regular’ pronominal structure, pronominal structure with lexical incidence
Heredia, J. R. (2011). The new grammar of the Spanish language and the pronominal structures. Boletín De Filología, 46(1), Pág. 75–103. Retrieved from